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【#孙家栋院士入场全场鼓掌致敬# 】92岁的探月工程首任总设计师孙家栋院士入场时,全场响起热烈掌声!一起为中国航天加油!A commendation meeting of Chang'e-5 mission participants kicked off at the Great Hall of t

2023-1-4 23:47
[视频作者] CGTN
【#孙家栋院士入场全场鼓掌致敬# 】92岁的探月工程首任总设计师孙家栋院士入场时,全场响起热烈掌声!一起为中国航天加油!A commendation meeting of Chang'e-5 mission participants kicked off at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on Monday. 92-year-old Sun Jiadong, the program's general designer, got a big round of applause when he entered the hall in a wheelchair. LCGTN的微博视频 收起d
[图]【#孙家栋院士入场全场鼓掌致敬# 】92岁的探月工程首任总设计师孙家栋院士入场时,全场响起热烈掌声!一起为中国航天加油!A commendation meeting of Chang'e-5 mission participants kicked off at the Great Hall of t
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