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钢铁猛兽连级剧本 Steel Beasts - Combined Arms Attack(by Revenant,机翻中文字幕)

2023-1-4 20:09
[视频作者] 猛禽战术实验室
[视频时长] 51:13
[视频类型] 单机游戏
youtube  Showcasing a fairly quick (for Steel Beasts) company-sized mission. This one sees a Netherlands Company Team (-) consisting of 4x Leopard 2A4s and 4x CV90/35NLs attacking to seize an objective defended by enemy tanks, PCs, and infantry strong-poi
[图]钢铁猛兽连级剧本 Steel Beasts - Combined Arms Attack(by Revenant,机翻中文字幕)
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