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1900 Hp pinnafarina bautista walk around. Such a fun that I get to drive this car. This is FASTER than anything and everything you ever know 0-100 mph

2023-1-3 22:58
[视频作者] Puristgroup
1900 Hp pinnafarina bautista walk around. Such a fun that I get to drive this car. This is FASTER than anything and everything you ever know 0-100 mph. How this car build up its peed is just insane and to handle all the torque output to the ground is another science by itself. Truly amazing chance to get close and personal with this car. Can’t wait o try it on the racetrack. 關於這台車子我只能用英文來表達我對他的看法因為實在是用快這個字無法形容到我的震驚。這車的速度會刷掉你對於速度這兩個字這一切感覺.這一輩子不管你做過什麼樣的車或者你擁有擁有最快的車也不會比這快。而且怎麼去把這個扭力放到地面上這也是另外很讓人驚訝的一個事情 #puristgroup# #汽车资讯# #汽车# #我与汽车的日常# @高亮_萝卜北美 LPuristgroup的微博视频 收起d
[图]1900 Hp pinnafarina bautista walk around. Such a fun that I get to drive this car. This is FASTER than anything and everything you ever know 0-100 mph
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