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【補檔】It was May │ 180321 Yahoo TV 原唱 柯智棠 (尖叫 詞:蔡柏璋 曲:羅恩妮 It was a Tuesday morning in May and as I awoke I saw the sun against your fair face It was the

2022-12-31 9:53
[视频作者] 許含光食用指南
【補檔】It was May │ 180321 Yahoo TV 原唱 柯智棠 (尖叫 詞:蔡柏璋 曲:羅恩妮 It was a Tuesday morning in May and as I awoke I saw the sun against your fair face It was the year’s loveliest smile The breeze was fresh and throughout the garden linger the scent of roses It was May and I can not forget that we sang together The more time passes the more I remember The air was fresh and the song so sweet Oh it was May, it was May You sang love of my heart, love of my heart You’re going far away, you’re leaving me And I will count the hours, when will you return With nod I said, I will return when the roses bloom again I will return, as promised, when the roses bloom again ...... It was May 是金士顿微电影广告《A Memory to Remember》主题曲。收錄在專輯《你不真的想流浪》,發行時間為 2015年8月。 柯智棠除了在17年海邊的卡夫卡《曖曖》巡演預告場擔任演出嘉賓外,新專發行時也曾陪Lumi上過電臺通告,一起練團一起唱歌,同樣都是非常低調且優秀的音樂人,值得大家關注~ 更多相關 指路 @柯智棠制糖所_Kowenscandyhouse 许含光Lumi L许含光食用指南的秒拍视频 收起d
[图]【補檔】It was May │ 180321 Yahoo TV 原唱 柯智棠 (尖叫 詞:蔡柏璋 曲:羅恩妮 It was a Tuesday morning in May and as I awoke I saw the sun against your fair face It was the
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