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【云游赤壁,吟歌泛舟】“白露横江,水光接天。纵一苇之所如,凌万顷之茫然。”在黄州赤壁,苏轼夜游大江,扣舷而歌,将江上清风、山间明月与旷达乐观的人生态度凝结为深厚的文化情怀。取材于此,明代画家仇英用他穿越历史的想象,创作了经典画作《赤壁图》,通过描绘苏轼携好友泛舟同游的场景,重现了 ​ 展开c

2022-12-31 8:23
[视频作者] CGTN
【云游赤壁,吟歌泛舟】“白露横江,水光接天。纵一苇之所如,凌万顷之茫然。”在黄州赤壁,苏轼夜游大江,扣舷而歌,将江上清风、山间明月与旷达乐观的人生态度凝结为深厚的文化情怀。取材于此,明代画家仇英用他穿越历史的想象,创作了经典画作《赤壁图》,通过描绘苏轼携好友泛舟同游的场景,重现了那个令人感怀回味的月夜,以独树一帜的绘画风格为观者带来丰富的审美体验。中央广播电视总台大型文化节目《#诗画中国# 》邀请音乐剧演员郑棋元、庞盛之和赵禹钧现场演绎吟歌泛舟,并与文化学者康震、范迪安一同赏析《赤壁图》,感悟人与自然的相处之道。During Three Kingdoms period, Red Cliff was the scene of a significant battle where the underdog emerged in victory more than 1,800 years ago. In 1082, the writer Su Shi (1037-1101) from the Northern Song Dynasty traveled to this historic site and wrote two "Odes to the Red Cliff," making a significant contribution to the annals of Chinese literature. Artists of subsequent dynasties created numerous works to commemorate Su Shi and his odes, including the painting "Red Cliff" by Qiu Ying from the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644). With his strong imagination and distinct painting style, Qiu Ying depicted the scene of Su Shi taking a boat trip with his friends. It recreated the atmosphere of a moonlit night from bygone centuries, conveying a strong sense of aesthetics with deep cultural connotations. Produced by China Media Group, the cultural program "China in Poetry and Painting" invited musical actors Zheng Qiyuan, Pang Shengzhi and Zhao Yujun to perform a musical play based on the painting "Red Cliff," expressing positive sentiments toward nature with a detached and free attitude. LCGTN的微博视频 收起d
[图]【云游赤壁,吟歌泛舟】“白露横江,水光接天。纵一苇之所如,凌万顷之茫然。”在黄州赤壁,苏轼夜游大江,扣舷而歌,将江上清风、山间明月与旷达乐观的人生态度凝结为深厚的文化情怀。取材于此,明代画家仇英用他穿越历史的想象,创作了经典画作《赤壁图》,通过描绘苏轼携好友泛舟同游的场景,重现了 ​ 展开c
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