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【Iannis Xenakis】Persephassa, for Six Percussionists Surrounding the Audience

2022-12-27 9:15
[视频作者] 不大家的音药寄
[视频时长] 27:50
[视频类型] 演奏
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sTT3NmYdf60 以阿尼斯·泽纳基斯 Iannis Xenakis: Persephassa, for Six Percussionists Surrounding the Audience Le Collectif Xenakis: Adélaide Ferrière Emmanuel Curt Jean-Baptiste Bonnard Emmanuel Jacquet Othman Louati Rodolphe Thér =
[图]【Iannis Xenakis】Persephassa, for Six Percussionists Surrounding the Audience
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