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【钢琴/原PO:Eusebius et Florestan】王羽佳 演奏 肖邦 玛祖卡 三首

2022-12-26 23:12
[视频作者] 汪立三
[视频时长] 9:9
[视频类型] 演奏
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E_wN1szkOzE 原标题:Yuja Wang, Chopin, 3 Mazurkas 原简介:Yuja played these three mazurkas by inserting a Brahms piece between each of them. Since the order of the pieces in her recital is subject to variations, I have taken the l
[图]【钢琴/原PO:Eusebius et Florestan】王羽佳 演奏 肖邦 玛祖卡 三首
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