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2022-12-12 14:34
[视频作者] 猛犸君侯
【英字片段】【纪录片.阿尔罕布拉宫:西班牙城堡.The.Alhambra.Fortress.of.Andalusia.2021】阿尔罕布拉宫(Alhambra),位于西班牙南部,始建于摩尔王朝时期的古代礼拜场所—宫殿—城堡建筑群,1232年在老城改建的基础上逐步形成现存规模,列入联合国世界文化遗产。-- Original title: "L'alhambra forteresse mediterraneenne" ; this is an episode in "Secrets of the Ancient Builders"-5-part series --In the South of Spain stands one of the most sumptuous palaces ever built: the Alhambra. An impressive fortified complex erected at the top of a steep hill, it was mainly built by the Nasrids, a 13th-century Arab dynasty. Behind the apparent austerity of this immense fortress – no less than 2,000 metres of defensive walls and 27 towers – the inside unveils an explosion of refinement and ornamentations, gardens and marble fountains, a grandiose testament to the tradition of Moorish style and Islamic art of the period.#微博纪录片联盟# ,#超级教育节# , #英语# L猛犸君侯的微博视频 收起d
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