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岁月从不败美人。 【奥黛丽·赫本的珍藏版英语演讲视频】 For what is friendship 试问何为友谊 if not a willingness to give 友谊是润物细无声 to give laughter 让你破涕为笑 where there are tears 当你伤心落泪时

2022-12-7 22:19
[视频作者] 思想聚焦
[视频时长] 02:36
[图]岁月从不败美人。 【奥黛丽·赫本的珍藏版英语演讲视频】 For what is friendship 试问何为友谊 if not a willingness to give 友谊是润物细无声 to give laughter 让你破涕为笑 where there are tears 当你伤心落泪时
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