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The Journey of Hanfu of an Argentina International Students 越罗衫袂迎春风—阿根廷留学生的汉服之旅

2022-12-2 5:45
[视频作者] 浙传派
[视频时长] 3:0
[视频类型] 舌尖上的旅行
The beauty of Hanfu not only deeply attracted the Chinese but also the Argentina student - Cami 汉服之美 深深地吸引住了阿根廷学姐——莫涵熙 你,心动了吗? #留学中国#留学浙传#美丽浙江#阿根廷#浙传留学生#浙传留学生活#浙江省#浙传派#studyinchina#CUZ#argentina#internationalstudentsofCUZ#lifeinCUZ
[图]The Journey of Hanfu of an Argentina International Students 越罗衫袂迎春风—阿根廷留学生的汉服之旅
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