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May There Always Be Sunshine 是否总有阳光 2 (鹅妈妈中英文早教)

2022-11-30 19:12
[视频作者] bili_64464497737
[视频时长] 1:35
[视频类型] 翻唱
这是一首闻名遐迩的俄罗斯儿童歌曲,表达人们对和平的渴望。简单的手势语可让小朋友包容喜爱不同的表达方式。This is a popular Russia children's song composed in 1928 by the four-year-old boy Kostya Barannikov, which expresses the people's desire for peace.
[图]May There Always Be Sunshine 是否总有阳光 2 (鹅妈妈中英文早教)
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