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Day271:浣溪沙 二月和风到碧城(许渊冲译)

2022-11-28 4:40
[视频作者] 唱歌剧的乒乓汉斯
[视频时长] 0:57
[视频类型] 校园学习
二月和风到碧城。 The gentle breeze of second moon has greened the town. 万条千缕绿相迎。 Thousands of your branches swing and sway up and down. 舞烟眠雨过清明。 You dance in mist and sleep in rain on Mourning Day. 妆镜巧眉偷叶样, Ladies pencil their brows to imitate your leaf. 歌楼妍曲借枝
[图]Day271:浣溪沙 二月和风到碧城(许渊冲译)
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