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与歌手Jewel乔装打扮并潜入卡拉ok酒吧 Undercover Karaoke with Jewel | Youtube 28 Jul, 2010

2022-11-23 9:29
[视频作者] 我中意食烧鹅髀
[视频时长] 6:54
[视频类型] 音乐现场
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=rmv1VhrtYRo Jewel, disguised as a mild mannered businesswoman, drops by a local karaoke bar and performs some of her classic songs to a completely dumbfounded audience. Check out Jewel's new album, Sweet and Wild and her new
[图]与歌手Jewel乔装打扮并潜入卡拉ok酒吧 Undercover Karaoke with Jewel | Youtube 28 Jul, 2010
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