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#考研英语# 小作文14大必考类型:辞职信一篇高分小作文,需要做到哪三点?看完就明白了话题表达欣赏,感激:appreciate; be grateful for; express gratitude to珍贵的机会:precious/rare/valuable opportunity/chance与

2022-11-22 12:16
[视频作者] 朱伟老师
#考研英语# 小作文14大必考类型:辞职信一篇高分小作文,需要做到哪三点?看完就明白了话题表达欣赏,感激:appreciate; be grateful for; express gratitude to珍贵的机会:precious/rare/valuable opportunity/chance与同事相处融洽:get on well at work; get on/along with colleagues与……不符:not conform to; be inconsistent with; do not tally with艰难的决定:a hard decision to make擅长:be good at; excel at经过慎重考虑:after careful consideration有前途的:promising; with bright future; have bright prospect补充句式1、特以此书面形式告知本人因……原因请辞……公司一职的决定:I hereby conform in writing my resignation from ... because ...(辞职信模板句,标准用法)2、写此信的目的是告知您我将要从……公司辞职的决定:I am writing this letter to inform you of my decision to resign from ...(信件开头的套用语,可用于正式语域中)3、我想向您表达我真诚的谢意,感谢在……时所得到的支持以及在……中所获得的珍贵经验:I would like to express my sincere gratitude and thanks for all the support that I have received ..., and for the valuable experience of ...4、请接受我衷心的祝福,祝各位前程似锦:Please accept my heartiest wish for your future success.5、希望您能考虑我的辞职要求,同时因本人离职所造成的不便向您表示歉意:I hope you will consider my request, and I apologize for any inconveniences I might have caused.#微博领学官计划# #超级教育节# 2023考研 L朱伟老师的微博视频 收起d
[图]#考研英语# 小作文14大必考类型:辞职信一篇高分小作文,需要做到哪三点?看完就明白了话题表达欣赏,感激:appreciate; be grateful for; express gratitude to珍贵的机会:precious/rare/valuable opportunity/chance与
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