#2020嫦五奔月# 【VLOG|#小李记追火箭# 】著名的四子王旗曾是当年航天英雄杨利伟搭乘的神舟五号的着陆点,也是这次嫦娥五号未来着陆的地方。尽管天气寒冷,CGTN记者@李建华CGTN 还是风驰电掣来到这里等嫦娥“回家”,并第一时间带来最新实况。一起来看↓↓A returner, carryin
2022-11-20 1:31
[视频作者] CGTN
#2020嫦五奔月# 【VLOG|#小李记追火箭# 】著名的四子王旗曾是当年航天英雄杨利伟搭乘的神舟五号的着陆点,也是这次嫦娥五号未来着陆的地方。尽管天气寒冷,CGTN记者@李建华CGTN 还是风驰电掣来到这里等嫦娥“回家”,并第一时间带来最新实况。一起来看↓↓A returner, carrying moon rocks, is expected to land at the Siziwang Banner Landing Site in north China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. This is China's first lunar sample return mission, which makes the country the third in the world that is capable of retrieving samples from the moon – after the former Soviet Union and the United States. Siziwang Banner has become a household name ever since 2003 when Shenzhou V, the first Chinese manned spaceflight, landed there. CGTN's Li Jianhua filed this report. LCGTN的微博视频 收起d
以下链接为影音视频“#2020嫦五奔月# 【VLOG|#小李记追火箭# 】著名的四子王旗曾是当年航天英雄杨利伟搭乘的神舟五号的着陆点,也是这次嫦娥五号未来着陆的地方。尽管天气寒冷,CGTN记者@李建华CGTN 还是风驰电掣来到这里等嫦娥“回家”,并第一时间带来最新实况。一起来看↓↓A returner, carryin”在线访问地址,点击链接就可以访问查看啦