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【恐怖|泰国|正式版预告片】【鬼寺凶灵 Pee Nak】【2019】

2022-11-15 9:39
[视频作者] eternalmummy
[视频时长] 2:30
[视频类型] 预告·资讯
直传 At an old temple in the outskirts of the city, a terrifying legend persists to these days. It says that anyone who wants to be ordained to become a monk at this temple is cursed, and he will die by the wrath of “Pee Nak” spirit before the ordinati
[图]【恐怖|泰国|正式版预告片】【鬼寺凶灵 Pee Nak】【2019】
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