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Trevor Noah调侃马斯克开除推特员工这个段子可以:“If he's handling Twitter like this, I don't know how comfortable I would be going with this dude to Mars, you know? Yeah

2022-11-11 9:57
[视频作者] Joken是个教书匠Mini
Trevor Noah调侃马斯克开除推特员工这个段子可以:“If he's handling Twitter like this, I don't know how comfortable I would be going with this dude to Mars, you know? Yeah, I don't want Elon walking into my cabin one day, like hey, guys, it turns out I accidentally fired the team that was bringing the oxygen. But we'll be fine if we just stop breathing for 69 months.” LJoken是个教书匠Mini的微博视频 收起d
[图]Trevor Noah调侃马斯克开除推特员工这个段子可以:“If he's handling Twitter like this, I don't know how comfortable I would be going with this dude to Mars, you know? Yeah
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