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【纯音乐】I sometimes think that all of this is too good to be true

2022-11-11 2:45
[视频作者] 嘘_别吵醒它了
[视频时长] 2:41
[视频类型] 音乐综合
BGM:I sometimes think that all of this is too good to be true 如果有来生,要做一只鸟, 飞越永恒,没有迷途的苦恼。 东方有火红的希望, 南方有温暖的巢床, 向西逐退残阳,向北唤醒芬芳。 如果有来生, 希望每次相遇, 都能化为永恒
[图]【纯音乐】I sometimes think that all of this is too good to be true
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