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【Vaterlandslied(Der Gott der Eisen wachsen ließ)】祖国之歌(令世间钢铁成长的上帝)

2022-11-9 20:36
[视频作者] 中華田園人
[视频时长] 3:45
[视频类型] 音乐综合
The song was written to denounce the fact that several German states fought on the side of Napoleon to the detriment of their own nation. 翻译参考:@Dr. Ludwig U-556ちゃんにはビスマルクのアネキをダンスに誘っていてほしい pixiv ID: 88089970 Member: cap105
[图]【Vaterlandslied(Der Gott der Eisen wachsen ließ)】祖国之歌(令世间钢铁成长的上帝)
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