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负空间就是减法艺术的直接体现,这并不意味着美观和焦点的缺失,而会使整体画面更平衡统一。#次元充电站# #ANiLEAGUE数字艺术星球# Negative space is the direct embodiment of subtraction art. It doesn't mean the l

2022-11-8 1:52
[视频作者] pumbaaguy
负空间就是减法艺术的直接体现,这并不意味着美观和焦点的缺失,而会使整体画面更平衡统一。#次元充电站# #ANiLEAGUE数字艺术星球# Negative space is the direct embodiment of subtraction art. It doesn't mean the lack of beauty and focus, but can make the design more balanced Lpumbaaguy的微博视频 收起d
[图]负空间就是减法艺术的直接体现,这并不意味着美观和焦点的缺失,而会使整体画面更平衡统一。#次元充电站# #ANiLEAGUE数字艺术星球# Negative space is the direct embodiment of subtraction art. It doesn't mean the l
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以下链接为影音视频“负空间就是减法艺术的直接体现,这并不意味着美观和焦点的缺失,而会使整体画面更平衡统一。#次元充电站# #ANiLEAGUE数字艺术星球# Negative space is the direct embodiment of subtraction art. It doesn't mean the l”在线访问地址,点击链接就可以访问查看啦