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【Virtual ICM 2022】2022-07-06 The International Congress of Mathematicians

2022-10-31 9:29
[视频作者] Ambiel_Wang
[视频时长] 503:3
[视频类型] 科学科普
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uh2gqiEC6eM 国际数学家线上大会 2022-07-06 学术报告,更多视频请移步: 【Virtual ICM 2022】线上会议录屏搬运与大会手册:https://www.bilibili.com/read/cv17468874 On the day after (6 July), the 2022 Fields Medalists and IMU Abacus Medalist will give prize winner l
[图]【Virtual ICM 2022】2022-07-06 The International Congress of Mathematicians
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