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白居易《望驿台》唐诗三百首 中国古诗词欣赏Chinese poem 中英文朗读版 许渊冲译

2022-10-27 21:05
[视频作者] 佛净
[视频时长] 2:3
[视频类型] 人文历史
望驿台 白居易 靖安宅里当窗柳,望驿台前扑地花。 两处春光同日尽,居人思客客思家。 For Roaming Yuan Zhen Bai Juyi  Your wife gazes at yellowing willow at home; You at flowers falling on the ground while you roam. Spring comes to end in two places on the same day; You think of home and she of
[图]白居易《望驿台》唐诗三百首 中国古诗词欣赏Chinese poem 中英文朗读版 许渊冲译
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