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感受oasis的魅力吧!绿洲乐队《(What's The Story) Morning Glory?》整轨MV

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7HF1Sfos3v4 《(What's The Story) Morning Glory?》是绿洲乐队最成功的专辑。感受绿洲的魅力吧 素材来自于官方MV,视频增加了中字。 I don't own any content in this video,the video is only used for sharing and studying.If respective owner of this content want it delete oasis绿洲乐队经典 绿洲乐队oasis壁纸 oasis乐队现场版 oasis乐队视频 oasis乐队高清 oasis乐队mv oasis乐队经典 oasis乐队介绍 oasis乐队资料 绿洲oasis乐队海报 感受oasis的魅力吧!绿洲乐队《(What's The Story) Morning Glory?》整轨MV