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【驾驶舱POV】波音737-800从希腊圣托里尼岛起飞爬升 Boeing 737-800 Takeoff from Santorini Island 4K

2022-10-25 14:10
[视频作者] aceleramosjuntos
[视频时长] 3:55
[视频类型] 科学科普
Join us in the cockpit of this Boeing 737-800 as we take off from Santorini, Greece, during a beautiful morning at this gorgeous island! Enjoy all cockpit procedures from line up to climb-out and enjoy the view from the cockpit.
[图]【驾驶舱POV】波音737-800从希腊圣托里尼岛起飞爬升 Boeing 737-800 Takeoff from Santorini Island 4K
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