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【敦煌琵琶譜】第二曲 (品)弄 -- [Dunhuang Pipa Score] No. 2 (Pǐn) Nòng

2022-10-21 17:50
[视频作者] 长清居士
[视频时长] 3:33
[视频类型] 演奏
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=FahsmfLWvWE&t=40s 原视频于2022年7月10日发布 Among the 25 compositions compiled in the “Dunhuang Pipa Score” (敦煌琵琶譜), the title of the second piece had largely faded due to the passage of time and today only the last character “Nòng”
[图]【敦煌琵琶譜】第二曲 (品)弄 -- [Dunhuang Pipa Score] No. 2 (Pǐn) Nòng
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