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莫扎特歌剧《费加罗的婚礼》穆蒂指挥 佛罗伦萨市政剧院版(1979)

2022-10-20 3:32
[视频作者] iclassica
[视频时长] 200:24
[视频类型] 音乐现场
rai From the Teatro Comunale in Florence Mozart's The Marriage of Figaro in the 1979 staging by Antoine Vitez with the musical direction of Riccardo Muti. In the cast Thomas Allen, Margaret Marshall, Helen Donath, James Morris, Rohangiz Yachmi, Nucci C
[图]莫扎特歌剧《费加罗的婚礼》穆蒂指挥 佛罗伦萨市政剧院版(1979)
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