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艺松苏菲•李 & 小提琴·拉威尔-茨冈|Yesong Sophie Lee & Violin·Maurice Ravel: Tzigane

2022-10-12 18:34
[视频作者] yancuannan
[视频时长] 10:12
[视频类型] 演奏
youtu.be Yesong Sophie Lee | Maurice Ravel: Tzigane 9月19日 2022年 Maurice Ravel (1875-1937): Tzigane Yesong Sophie Lee: Violin Akane Matsumura: Piano Recorded live on 13 August, 2022 at the Chapel of Gstaad Director: Christina Ruloff Sound: Joël Cormie
[图]艺松苏菲•李 & 小提琴·拉威尔-茨冈|Yesong Sophie Lee & Violin·Maurice Ravel: Tzigane
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