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#十三亿分之一# 【喝汤的病人还好好地活着,送汤的人却永远离开他了:老伴,等我一起回家】“The feeling of missing someone is impossible to bear.” In our documentary “Painted Love”, we followed a s

2022-10-9 9:57
[视频作者] CGTN
#十三亿分之一# 【喝汤的病人还好好地活着,送汤的人却永远离开他了:老伴,等我一起回家】“The feeling of missing someone is impossible to bear.” In our documentary “Painted Love”, we followed a story of a 96-year-old man who started to paint at the age of 87 as a way of remembering his beloved wife. They were apart for 22 years amid the social turmoil in the 1950s in China when Rao Pingru (the man) was sent to Anhui Province for re-education through labor. In 1979, Rao finally returned home, but unfortunately his wife Mao Meitang was suffering from diabetes and kidney failure. After his wife died, Rao began to paint to remember their 60 years of love. Their story has touched millions of people in China and around the world. For more: O网页链接 LCGTN的秒拍视频 收起d
[图]#十三亿分之一# 【喝汤的病人还好好地活着,送汤的人却永远离开他了:老伴,等我一起回家】“The feeling of missing someone is impossible to bear.” In our documentary “Painted Love”, we followed a s
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