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王昌龄《塞下曲》 唐诗三百首 中国古诗词欣赏Chinese poetry 中英文朗读版Chinese and English recitation 许渊冲译

2022-10-8 20:52
[视频作者] 佛净
[视频时长] 3:4
[视频类型] 人文历史
塞下曲 王昌龄 饮马渡秋水,水寒风似刀。 平沙日未没,黯黯见临洮。 昔日长城战,咸言意气高; 黄尘足今古,白骨乱蓬蒿。 Under a border-fortress Wang Changling Drink, my horse, while we cross the autumn water! The stream is cold and the wind like a sword, As we watch against the sunset on the sandy plain, Far, f
[图]王昌龄《塞下曲》 唐诗三百首 中国古诗词欣赏Chinese poetry 中英文朗读版Chinese and English recitation 许渊冲译
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