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【跟着Eva打卡北京最有颜值的菜市场】在北京的三源里菜市场,五颜六色的蔬菜水果就是生活的色彩博物馆。食物最能俘获人心,而最美的景色不过人间烟火气。Beijing is an international city, and it's to nobody's surprise that global f

2022-10-6 0:46
[视频作者] CGTN
【跟着Eva打卡北京最有颜值的菜市场】在北京的三源里菜市场,五颜六色的蔬菜水果就是生活的色彩博物馆。食物最能俘获人心,而最美的景色不过人间烟火气。Beijing is an international city, and it's to nobody's surprise that global food items can be found at several locations scattered across China's capital. There's one market in particular, though, which offers goodies from all around the world, all in one – welcome to Sanyuanli market!#beijingbuzz# #travelogue# #京城会玩儿# LCGTN的微博视频 收起d
[图]【跟着Eva打卡北京最有颜值的菜市场】在北京的三源里菜市场,五颜六色的蔬菜水果就是生活的色彩博物馆。食物最能俘获人心,而最美的景色不过人间烟火气。Beijing is an international city, and it's to nobody's surprise that global f
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