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#对决新冠病毒# 【一分钟完成一例接种,新冠疫苗接种中国速度,助力构建全球免疫屏障】 With the vaccination initiative extended to people aged 60, a new challenge emerged - how to reassure peopl

2022-10-5 13:09
[视频作者] CGTN
#对决新冠病毒# 【一分钟完成一例接种,新冠疫苗接种中国速度,助力构建全球免疫屏障】 With the vaccination initiative extended to people aged 60, a new challenge emerged - how to reassure people suffering from chronic conditions about the possible side-effects of the vaccine. How exactly did the vaccinators help people cast their doubts to one side and embrace the life-saving vaccination campaign? #RacingAgainsttheCoronavirus# LCGTN的微博视频 收起d
[图]#对决新冠病毒# 【一分钟完成一例接种,新冠疫苗接种中国速度,助力构建全球免疫屏障】 With the vaccination initiative extended to people aged 60, a new challenge emerged - how to reassure peopl
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