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[Roberta's Gym] 8个床上就能做的减脂动作 | 8 Easy Fat-Reducing Exercises To Do In Bed

2022-10-3 18:12
[视频作者] 杏仁粉和鳄梨腌制片刻
[视频时长] 10:31
[视频类型] 健身
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dx-ljt4c2CU The exercises in this video are all in a lying-down position or on all fours so there's really no need for you to get up, jump, or move around.
[图][Roberta's Gym] 8个床上就能做的减脂动作 | 8 Easy Fat-Reducing Exercises To Do In Bed
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