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【上低音号】柴可夫斯基 F小调浪漫曲 Tchaikovsky: Romance in F Minor, Euphonium and Piano

2022-10-3 12:32
[视频作者] 帮滂并不明白
[视频时长] 5:26
[视频类型] 演奏
https://youtu.be/THtkHF2LSBM Originally a piano solo, I got the idea that it would fit euphonium nicely because of its flowing melody. This is my arrangement, but I left plenty of the original piano part in place for interludes and the harmonies.
[图]【上低音号】柴可夫斯基 F小调浪漫曲 Tchaikovsky: Romance in F Minor, Euphonium and Piano
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