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1959年苏联短片《关于一朵花的歌(Song About a Flower)》 导演 : 奥塔·伊奥谢利阿尼

2022-10-3 11:59
[视频作者] 老板来串糖葫芦
[视频时长] 16:54
[视频类型] 人文历史
http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTUyNjMzODQw.html?from=y1.7-1.2 "Sapovnela" means "the flower that nobody can find." We present this film without subtitles (the voiceover was forced on us by the censorship in the Soviet times but the fil
[图]1959年苏联短片《关于一朵花的歌(Song About a Flower)》 导演 : 奥塔·伊奥谢利阿尼
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