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【转载】Metal: Hellsinger(地狱歌者)- Stygia 野兽难度 世界排名第一

2022-10-2 0:21
[视频作者] 北北座御京
[视频时长] 13:41
[视频类型] 单机游戏
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sThWhQ4XBQU Here's my high score for the level Stygia on the 1st day of Metal: Hellsinger. Very excited to do more runs of this game, I think the top spots are gonna be very hard to perfect, but it'll be a fun challenge! :)
[图]【转载】Metal: Hellsinger(地狱歌者)- Stygia 野兽难度 世界排名第一
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