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Naval Ravikant’s Wisdom w Eric Jorgenson 《纳瓦尔宝典》作者Eric Jorgenson谈纳瓦尔的智慧

2022-10-1 5:14
[视频作者] 我是居家男人
[视频时长] 46:54
[视频类型] 财经商业
Eric Jorgenson is the author of the Almanac of Naval Ravikant, a GP in the seed investment-focused Rolling Fun, and the creator of the course Building a Mountain of Levers. Eric also has a podcast called Jorgenson’s Soundbox and was part of the founding
[图]Naval Ravikant’s Wisdom w Eric Jorgenson 《纳瓦尔宝典》作者Eric Jorgenson谈纳瓦尔的智慧
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