#温故知新# 【王安石的职场故事】在职场上,人们免不了会与同僚沟通和相处。北宋名臣王安石在职场上是如何与人相处的?他是怎样性格的人?戳:O网页链接 ,听《#温故知新# 》第三季播客,一起了解一下吧!We all know there are different facets to everyone'
2022-9-30 15:58
[视频作者] CGTNRadio
#温故知新# 【王安石的职场故事】在职场上,人们免不了会与同僚沟通和相处。北宋名臣王安石在职场上是如何与人相处的?他是怎样性格的人?戳:O网页链接 ,听《#温故知新# 》第三季播客,一起了解一下吧!We all know there are different facets to everyone's personality. Someone could be extremely intelligent, funny, ambitious and totally warmhearted and upright, but at the same time, stubborn, arrogant, sarcastic and socially awkward! The man all these words can be used to describe is Wang Anshi. Let's meet this controversial ancient Chinese now! LCGTNRadio的微博视频 收起d
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