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The courage to think differently breeds a spirit of innovation and science

2022-9-30 4:32
[视频作者] 所思英语
[视频时长] 5:34
[视频类型] 校园学习
期末考试还要持续最后一周…(>﹏<) 本期邀请大家一起观看三段小思收藏的在不同时期推出的价值观广告,其中第一段是乔帮主亲自献声的版本哦。Let's learn more than ENGLISH, but also INNOVATIVE THINKING. Enjoy.  祝跟小思一样处于疯狂备考中的童鞋们:逢考必过,超常发挥!么么哒~
[图]The courage to think differently breeds a spirit of innovation and science
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