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【Nils Lofgren】写给滚石吉他手基思理查兹的歌 Keith Don't Go,出神入化的吉他表演。

2022-9-29 14:23
[视频作者] 黄小林lam
[视频时长] 7:13
[视频类型] 音乐现场
https://youtu.be/coNqbqnH3AM Lofgren joined Neil Young's band at the age of 17, playing piano and guitar on the After the Gold Rush album. The musician maintained a close musical relationship with Young, appearing on his Tonight's the Night album and tour
[图]【Nils Lofgren】写给滚石吉他手基思理查兹的歌 Keith Don't Go,出神入化的吉他表演。
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