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【4K】《博德之门3》官方电影式宣传片 21:9超宽屏 9月30日STEAM抢先体验

2022-9-29 1:39
[视频作者] KG-Area21
[视频时长] 7:31
[视频类型] 单机游戏
https://youtu.be/wWHEw36gTwU Baldur's Gate 3 - Official Full Intro Cinematic 来源:IGN Watch the entire CG intro sequence to Baldur's Gate 3, featuring a chase from the famed city all the way to the firey mountains of the Infernal plane.
[图]【4K】《博德之门3》官方电影式宣传片 21:9超宽屏 9月30日STEAM抢先体验
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