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【手书/中字/来自远方】美国第一位女机长的故事-Me and the sky

2022-9-28 21:21
[视频作者] 泡面里的牛肉
[视频时长] 4:42
[视频类型] 短片·手书·配音
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=OF16aJJLUYc 翻译来自Musical fans字幕组,有轻微改动 标题:Me and The Sky (animatic) 作者:strawberryflor 简介:this video is roughly a year old now. I was pretty hesitant to post it at first because the circumstances in which I made it were VERY ru
[图]【手书/中字/来自远方】美国第一位女机长的故事-Me and the sky
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