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【熟肉】旅行者 2 号在沉寂 1 年后联系了 NASA | Voyager 2 Contacted NASA after 1 Year of Silence

2022-9-28 18:31
[视频作者] R_or_O
[视频时长] 9:26
[视频类型] 科学科普
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l6SvK52tIuc 夜空自古以来就以其浩瀚和神秘而迷住了人类!无拘无束的好奇心总是让人研究新的领域,发现遥远的事物。最终,对知识和技术进步的渴望将人类带到了比我们的家园星球更远的地方。 The night sky has captivated humanity since the ancient times with its vastness and mystery! Uncontained curiosity has a
[图]【熟肉】旅行者 2 号在沉寂 1 年后联系了 NASA | Voyager 2 Contacted NASA after 1 Year of Silence
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