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购买第一台天文望远镜的建议 | 道布森望远镜 | Buying Your First TELESCOPE? Here's What I'd Do!

2022-9-26 7:52
[视频作者] 辛亚平
[视频时长] 9:5
[视频类型] 科学科普
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3JHu4sGwl0Y [Oct 30, 2020 AstroBackyard] This is the advice I give people in this position on a daily basis. This is the way I started, and it nurtured my love for the night sky by providing a memorable, positive first exp
[图]购买第一台天文望远镜的建议 | 道布森望远镜 | Buying Your First TELESCOPE? Here's What I'd Do!
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