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"Dies irae" by 4 different combinations of instrument 柏辽兹 幻想交响曲 神怒之日 大号片段 四种版本对比

2022-9-26 3:15
[视频作者] 天才细胞
[视频时长] 6:30
[视频类型] 音乐综合
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gbi5oY00Pzs&ab_channel=GabrieleDelfino Berlioz originally wrote "Symphonie fantastique" for 1 serpent and one ophicleide, but quickly switched to two ophicleides after the serpent proved to be difficult to use. Today is oft
[图]"Dies irae" by 4 different combinations of instrument 柏辽兹 幻想交响曲 神怒之日 大号片段 四种版本对比
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