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外语交流论坛 (中英文)大乘妙法莲华经讲记Only with the Buddha, and the attainment of extinction, more than redundant multiplication: do not dream. If you do not u

2022-9-24 7:00
[视频作者] 万一事一如一意一yu
外语交流论坛 (中英文)大乘妙法莲华经讲记Only with the Buddha, and the attainment of extinction, more than redundant multiplication: do not dream. If you do not understand the Lotus Sutra, it is impossible for you to attain the enlightenment.唯以佛乘,而得灭度,更无余乘:不要打妄想。不读懂《法华经》你是不可能「灭度」,叫「唯以佛乘,而得灭度」。390:明白如来藏道理之后,你的心态变化了没有? O网页链接 #中国佛教英语精髓# #美好风景小视频# 收起d
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