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【#典籍里的中国# 为何《易经》被称为“五经之首”?】《易传·系辞》里说:“夫《易》何为者也?夫《易》开物成务,冒天下之道,如斯而已者也。” 《易经》到底是本什么样的书? This episode of "China in the Classics" is about the c

2022-9-23 19:40
[视频作者] CGTN
【#典籍里的中国# 为何《易经》被称为“五经之首”?】《易传·系辞》里说:“夫《易》何为者也?夫《易》开物成务,冒天下之道,如斯而已者也。” 《易经》到底是本什么样的书? This episode of "China in the Classics" is about the classic "Changes of Zhou." This book, composed of Classic of Changes and Appendixes, is one of the important Confucian classics. It ranks first among the classics and is known as the origin of the great "Way of Heaven." LCGTN的微博视频 收起d
[图]【#典籍里的中国# 为何《易经》被称为“五经之首”?】《易传·系辞》里说:“夫《易》何为者也?夫《易》开物成务,冒天下之道,如斯而已者也。” 《易经》到底是本什么样的书? This episode of "China in the Classics" is about the c
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以下链接为影音视频“【#典籍里的中国# 为何《易经》被称为“五经之首”?】《易传·系辞》里说:“夫《易》何为者也?夫《易》开物成务,冒天下之道,如斯而已者也。” 《易经》到底是本什么样的书? This episode of "China in the Classics" is about the c”在线访问地址,点击链接就可以访问查看啦
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