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佳伦晨读*读句训练29 --- 拜登为什么要减免学生贷款呢?(词汇难度 ---4/5 星 )--- 每日一句: The argument for loan forgiveness is not only that it is the right thing to do-I'll come back

2022-9-21 7:48
[视频作者] 佳伦老师咯
佳伦晨读*读句训练29 --- 拜登为什么要减免学生贷款呢?(词汇难度 ---4/5 星 )--- 每日一句: The argument for loan forgiveness is not only that it is the right thing to do-I'll come back to this--but that young, college-educated people are an important pillar of the Democratic Party's base主要内容:拜登在上周宣布针对性减免学生贷款债务的新计划之后,得到的评价却是两极分化,我们也读过很多类似的文章,都需要我们通过现象看本质,所以我们要问一个问题,这么做对他有什么好处呢?今日互动:你觉得减免学贷是好事,还是坏事呢?BTW:晨读中,会对每日一句的“句意重点”有讲解,各位可以听完之后,自行测试一番!#拜登减免数千亿美元学生贷款引争议# #决战考研# #四六级# L佳伦老师咯的微博视频 收起d
[图]佳伦晨读*读句训练29 --- 拜登为什么要减免学生贷款呢?(词汇难度 ---4/5 星 )--- 每日一句: The argument for loan forgiveness is not only that it is the right thing to do-I'll come back
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