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竟然有如此舒服的拉格泰姆—The Dallas Rag by Ethan Leinwand

2022-9-20 16:31
[视频作者] 吼吼爱蓝调
[视频时长] 3:0
[视频类型] 演奏
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DdvLQ9k-iwM 视频介绍原文 Here's a number usually played by string bands, but per special request, I whipped it up for solo piano. The original, from 1927, by The Dallas String Band, is as good as it gets. Some call this style
[图]竟然有如此舒服的拉格泰姆—The Dallas Rag by Ethan Leinwand
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