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【百鸟千寻:红翅旋壁雀】Have you ever heard of the "Butterfly bird on the cliff?" Red-winged wallcreeper's colorful feathers are special. When spreading

2022-9-20 11:26
[视频作者] CGTN
【百鸟千寻:红翅旋壁雀】Have you ever heard of the "Butterfly bird on the cliff?" Red-winged wallcreeper's colorful feathers are special. When spreading its wings, the bird turns itself into a "butterfly." Enjoy the video and you may fall in love with this magical bird. There are about 10,000 bird species in the world. In this series, we explore the world of birds and find out how fascinating they are! LCGTN的微博视频 收起d
[图]【百鸟千寻:红翅旋壁雀】Have you ever heard of the "Butterfly bird on the cliff?" Red-winged wallcreeper's colorful feathers are special. When spreading
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