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第四十六集:性化与癔症(雅克·拉康研讨班3—Seminar 03 The Psych—Lecture 12-13)

2022-9-18 19:37
[视频作者] 分裂的德勒兹
[视频时长] 16:16
[视频类型] 人文历史
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLRgjcRDpUSBFu-CryAtJX9eKfG7_1Ymg6 原视频标题:Sexuation & Hysteria  Thought in Motion is a series dedicated to the Seminars of psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan. Today we cover Seminar III, lectures 12 and 13. This video addre
[图]第四十六集:性化与癔症(雅克·拉康研讨班3—Seminar 03 The Psych—Lecture 12-13)
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